This quiz contains 5 questions. You need to answer 70 % of questions correctly in order to pass the quiz. You may take the quiz unlimited times.
Chapter 1. Circulatory shock
- Circulatory shock intro
- Assessing perfusion
- Managing hypovolemic shock
- Managing distributive shock
- Managing cardiogenic shock
- Managing obstructive shock
- Managing mixed shock states
- Circulatory shock quiz
Chapter 2. Chest compressions
- Chest compressions intro
- Using proper technique
- Performing the appropriate rate of compressions
- Performing the appropriate depth of compressions
- Minimizing interruptions
- Using mechanical compression devices
- Considering mechanical circulatory support
- Chest compressions quiz
Chapter 3. Airway and ventilation
- Airway and ventilation intro
- Opening the airway
- Using positive pressure breathing
- Performing assisted ventilation
- Performing intubation
- Using end-tidal capnometry
- Airway and ventilation quiz
Chapter 4. Rhythm disturbances
- Rhythm disturbances intro
- Approaching the non-perfusing patient
- Managing wide complex tachycardias
- Managing narrow complex tachycardias
- Managing bradycardias
- Managing pulseless electrical activity (PEA) and asystole
- Performing cardioversion and defibrillation
- Using vasopressors in cardiac arrest
- Administering antidysrhythmics
- Rhythm disturbances quiz
Chapter 5. Special situations
- Special situations intro
- Resuscitating the pregnant patient
- Managing the patient with hyperkalemia
- Managing the patient with hyperthermia
- Managing the patient with accidental hypothermia
- Resuscitating the patient with toxic overdose
- Managing traumatic arrest
- Resuscitating the patient with a ventricular assist device
- Special situations quiz
Chapter 6. Putting it together
- Putting it together intro
- Maintaining structure
- Leading a team
- Communicating effectively
- Debriefing
- Putting it together quiz